How To Remember Things Better
How many times have you read something and then, five seconds later, you have to go back and rerad that same page because you can't remember what you raed?
Here's the solution for that !
Now, we've all been there. we've all read a page and then, tow seconds later, we have to go back and reread that page because we have no idea what we just read. here's the solution for that,
and this process can be broken down into six easy steps.
Step number 1)- don't try to memorize as you're reading. But, instead, read with a highlighter or a marker and underline or highlight the key words as you are reading, or take notes as you're reading.
But, don't try to memorize as you read.
Stand in the doorway of every room in your house and number five pieces of furniture in each room.
the first room, you (inaudible) one, tow, three, four, five.
it minght be desk, bed, TV, picture, plant
then go to the next room and number that room, sex, seven, eight, nine, and ten. good things will be desks, or chairs, or computers, or windows, or showers, or sinks,
this is your mind palace and this is actually going to hold the data that you are memorizing in the book,
Step number 3)- is whatever you want to remember, you need to turn it into a picture.
let's say you're reading a book about Adrham Lincoln. the picture for Adrham Lincoln, could be a panny because Adrham Lincoln is on the penny. and maybe you want to remember he was born in kentucky, so you're going to need a picture for kentucky. maybe you would use the kentucky berby. And maybe you want to remember he was the 16th president. you need create a picture for 16 and might use a car for that because you get your driver's license when you're 16 years old. So, everything
you have highlighted or everything you have underlined, you're going to create pictures for to remembre those highlighted or underlined
Step nuber 4)- is you use the pieces of furniture in your room to store the data. the first point that you want to memorize is Adrham Lincoln was born in kentucky. So you think of a panny and a penny is racing around the kentucky Derby. Now you tak picture and you put it on the first piece of furniture in your house. Maybe the first piece of furniture in your house is a table, so a penny racing around the kentucky Derby. the second thing you want to remember is Adrham Lincoln was the 16th president. So, you see a penny for Lincoln, and the penny is driving a car for 16, and you see that on the second piece of furniture, which may be the refrigerator.
So, you see a penny for Lincoln, and the penny is driving a car for 16, and you see that on the second piece of furniture, which may be the refrigerator. you see a pennydriving a car around the refrigerator.
every poit that you have underlined, you turn into a picture, and you would see on pieces of furnitue around your house-five in a room. And that's how you remember points from a book.
Step numbre 5)- step five is simply, if you want to remember five points form every chaoter, you use on room to represent every chapter because have five pieces of furniture in every room.
If you want to remember ten points form a chapter, you just use tow rooms to represent the chapter.
And If you to remember 15 points from a chater you just use three room for that
So, those are the five steps that you need to memorize what you read.